I see it everyday. Email reigns supreme. Instant Message is the preferred form of communication. Web site and PDF's portray the message. Unfortunately, in the world of sales, people still need both informal and formal written communication. When you think about this topic, you should come to the realization that while technology has changed (and the patience of today's youth), people are still people. Make a compelling argument in person, that's one thing. Make a compelling argument in writing, that's something else.
As a Sales Manager, I am continously amazed at the lack of basic sales written communication. I am presented with Executive Summarys, Project Summarys, Scopes of Work and proposal calrifications that would satisfy almost no one. I fear this art is somewhat lost (but I have hope for the future that this skill set will return). Bloging is an interesting medium. Unlike an email or instant message, one is almost required to be prolific, explanatory and compelling. After 26 blog entries, I'm just now getting used to the format.
One of the decisions I've made lately is to only hire Account Managers with a decent set of writing skills. And yes, I mean typing with all ten fingers.